Halloween Costumes for Designers

October 24th, 2019

From Sexy Serif to Couples Kerning we’ve got you covered with these radical — and totally DIY-able — design-inspired costumes.

October is back. And if you’re like us — lovers of pumpkins, falling leaves, and sweater-weather — you couldn’t be happier. But if (also like us) you’ve put off your Halloween costume to the last minute, don’t fret. We’ve got you. These design-inspired costumes are not only amazing, they’re quite simple to execute. So put down those tired vampire fangs. Drop that overplayed zombie makeup. This is the year to become a Sexy Serif you were always meant to be. 


In typography, kerning is when you adjust the space between letters; in costume, it’s perfect for the couple that needs some extra space.
Here’s how it’s done:

  • Dress in matching outfits, the more illustrious the better.
  • Next, draw large letters on cardboard (serif, sans, monospace… anything goes!)
  • While at a party, waltz around the room with joviality holding up the letters, expanding and contracting the space between yourselves.”

Sexy Serif

In design, a serif is a small stroke added to the ends of letterforms. In costume, it’s an excuse to stand around duck-footed at a Halloween party in sexy clothes with black cardboard attached to your forehead and feet.


In design, a serif is a small stroke added to the ends of letterforms. In costume, it’s an excuse to stand around duck-footed at a Halloween party in sexy clothes with black cardboard attached to your forehead and feet.


In printing, CMYK is a color model standing for cyan, magenta, yellow and black, referring to each individual plate in the printing process; in costume it makes for a quick and colorful group costume! It’s simple:

  1. With a group of 4, put together outfits that each align to one of the four colors.
  2. Stand together at your Halloween party and let people revel in your four color combination!