Everything is smart. Everything is connected.
5G is more than an evolutionary step forward for our industry. It goes far beyond a single interface and will be defined by a heterogeneous network that integrates 5G, 4G, Wi-Fi, millimeter wave, and other wireless technologies. And, critically, it will be able to derive actionable insights from the massive amounts of data generated by billions of devices. 5G will fundamentally transform our lives, bringing us a society and environment where everything is smart and connected. This means next-generation sensors, cities, appliances, jet engines, wind farms, agriculture, hospitals, factories, playgrounds, and, most importantly—you.
We were the agency of record for Intel 5G Technology and the main agency partner for Intel's high-visibility partnership at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics. Our deliverables have included core messaging, vision decks, event graphics, web content, presentations, infographics, social posts. In addition, we’ve created product announcements, product trial documentation and more.
Intel at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics
Big Monocle was honored to be Intel’s agency partner during Intel’s official partnership with the 2018 Winter Olympics. We supported in print materials, ad work, slide designs and general marketing materials.